ETH is more than 53% lower…

ETH is more than 53% lower than it was against BTC pre-merge and will continue to 0.00ETHBTC, slowly grinding down like every other shitcoin of its caliber. I remember the 2021 shitcoiners well laughing at us bitcoiners 🤣🫡…

It’s insane to me that…

It’s insane to me that we expected to pay taxes to a government that is so corrupt and incompetent that it can’t secure its citizen’s private data.…

Been using Nostur as a client…

Been using Nostur as a client recently and it works well. I also like how it gives you more information about the relays being used and categorizes your feed for you and shows trending posts.…

Any Pet owners out there think…

Any Pet owners out there think Pet Insurance is worth it? Seems pricey from the quotes I’m seeing for my little guy. Any advice for a new pet owner would be appreciated! #asknostr…